Growing your SME through Shopsmart PNG

by Haroun Rashid

In the last 10 years Papua New Guinea has seen a rise in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as more people venture into running their own businesses whether as a second source of income, a passion to address a need within their community or serve a growing market brought about due to the change in trends and modern culture within the country. What was once table mothers selling drinks and packed food or weekend craft markets where artifacts and meri blouses were sold has completely transformed into island themed clothing companies, PNG food stalls and even online tech and gadget shops!


For most SMEs scaling their businesses and having a larger customer base is more than a dream, it is a goal that they work towards every single day using the different mediums available to them whether that be weekend markets, showcasing at event expos or utilizing the large array of digital platforms available to them.Now SMEs can add another avenue to utilize that will not allow only for them to market and sell their products and most importantly scale their business. What is this market? Shopsmart PNG!